MediScore Platform

In collaboration between postgraduate medical students and Phoenix Company, we are pleased to announce the launch of the MediScore platform. MediScore is the first educational medical e-learning platform designed to support resident doctors preparing for board exams (competitive, primary, and final). The platform includes the established textbooks, presented as online quizzes with questions and answers explained in detail, facilitating the study of medical material and creating an interactive environment to reinforce knowledge. It also helps identify strengths and weaknesses in any part of the study material. Features of MediScore:

1. The platform contains the latest editions of accredited scientific books across various medical specialties, including well-known books on general surgery, internal medicine, anesthesia, orthopedics, and urology, without altering the scientific content.

2. Accessible anywhere with internet connectivity, and compatible with various smart devices (mobile phones, iPads, tablets, and laptops).

3. Provides comprehensive feedback tools at the end of each test, detailing the number of correct and incorrect answers, and allowing review of any question along with a detailed final score.

4. The option to retake or complete tests at any time.

5. Easy subscription at nominal prices for each book, with various subscription types to meet the needs of doctors at different academic stages.

6. Users are notified when their subscription is about to end and can choose whether to renew.

7. Continuous and rapid technical support in case of any issues.